[Mimedefang] filter_relay not working?

Mike Smith mike at ftl.com
Thu Feb 12 13:50:14 EST 2004

Hi All,

 I've been trying to get filter_relay to work but I'm not having much
luck. To rule out all the logic in the filter, I have created a simple
filter_relay like this to see if it's even being called. I'm running this
on MD 2.39.

sub filter_relay {
  my($ip, $name, $helo) = @_;

 The thing that brought all of this about was that the secondary MX would
scan the mail and assign X-SPAM headers saying it was spam, then it would
get forwarded to the primary and it would change the header and say it
wasn't spam. Maybe filter_relay isn't the place for this? I'm at the end
of my rope so am asking for help/suggestions. Basically I want to stream
everything through that comes from a certain relay with no further
checking. I was thinking something like this....

sub filter_relay {
  my($ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
     if($ip eq "xxx.xx.xx.xx") {
         return('ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING', "ok");
     else {
         return('CONTINUE', "ok");

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 - Mike
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