[Mimedefang] winmail.dat / ms-tnef extracting

Brent J. Nordquist b-nordquist at bethel.edu
Tue Feb 10 09:35:17 EST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Joseph Brennan <brennan at columbia.edu> wrote:

> The short winmail.dat parts have no interesting data in them anyway.
> I have forgotten what Outlook clients send each other in there,

Fonts, colors, styles, that kind of thing.  You're right, there isn't
always an attachment.  But in my experience, when Outlook decides it needs
to pack font/color/style information in winmail.dat, it will put any
attachments in there too.  And then encode the whole winmail.dat as a MIME
attachment... the mind absolutely boggles.

I once ran across an open-source app called "detnef" that was able to 
unpack those.  Always wanted to incorporate it into my MTA as the original 
poster suggested.

Brent J. Nordquist <b-nordquist at bethel.edu> N0BJN
Other contact information: http://kepler.acns.bethel.edu/~bjn/contact.html
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