[Mimedefang] Secondary MX and filter_relay

Mike Smith mike at ftl.com
Mon Feb 9 22:23:35 EST 2004

Hey all,

What's the best strategy for running MimeDefang on both the primary and
secondary MX hosts? Currently I have it set up like this.

 The secondary is running Mimedefang 2.39, SpamAssassin 2.63, and ClamAV
0.65. All's well and good so it seems, with the exception of figuring out
how to use bayes_db on both servers. I know there is a patch for SA that
will allow for writing to MySQL, but I haven't tried it. The other thing
is that there is no user info on this box so it'll spool up mail for
non-existent users. Those will get dropped when they are delivered to the

 On the Primary I'm running the same setup...Except the filter_relay stuff
doesn't seem to be working. The only way I can get it to stream through
without running all the checks again is to add something like this to
filter_end before I run the SA checks.

    if ($RealRelayAddr eq "") {
        return ('ACCEPT_AND_NO_MORE_FILTERING','ok');

Does anyone having a working setup or thoughts on how to best tackle the
issue? I've been messing with this for a bit and can't get it to work the
way I want. Is it a good idea to run the full range on both servers?

 It sounds like SA 2.70 may have the SQL code implemented so the shared
bayes_db won't be a problem.

 Any info would be great.

 - Mike
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