[Mimedefang] sendmail dying on split messages

Lynette Bellini lynette at SOFTWARE.UMN.EDU
Tue Feb 3 14:39:04 EST 2004

Hi all,

We are having a problem with mimedefang, which occurs when a piece of
email has recipients who want to have spam checking and also those who
do not. Here's our config relating to this:

sub filter_begin () {

	# Load /etc/mail/spamcheck.users

	if(stream_by_spam_list()) {



sub stream_by_spam_list () {
	my(@on_list, @off_list, $recip);
	foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
		if (should_check_for_spam($recip)) {
			push(@on_list, $recip);
		} else {
			 push(@off_list, $recip);

	if ($#on_list >= 0 && $#off_list >= 0) {
		# Some on, some off -- remail
		$TerminateAndDiscard = 1;
		return 1;
	return 0;
The sendmail that forks off, dies. Has anyone seen anything like this,
or is our config not correct (full config included below)?


Lynette Bellini
Systems Administrator
University of Minnesota

To err is human.
To purr feline.
   -- Robert Byrne

# -*- Perl -*-
# mimedefang-filter
# Suggested minimum-protection filter for Microsoft Windows clients, plus
# SpamAssassin checks if SpamAssassin is installed.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
# This program may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License, Version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
# $Id: suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients,v 1.72 2003/11/14 21:33:20 dfs Exp $

# Set administrator's e-mail address here.  The administrator receives
# quarantine messages and is listed as the contact for site-wide
# MIMEDefang policy.  A good example would be 'defang-admin at mydomain.com'
$AdminAddress = 'defang at blah.edu';
$AdminName = "MIMEDefang Administrator";
$SpamBox = 'spambox at blah.edu';
$SALocalTestsOnly = 0;
$BounceThreshold = 12;

# Set the e-mail address from which MIMEDefang quarantine warnings and
# user notifications appear to come.  A good example would be
# 'mimedefang at mydomain.com'.  Make sure to have an alias for this
# address if you want replies to it to work.
$DaemonAddress = 'defang at blah.edu';

# If you set $AddWarningsInline to 1, then MIMEDefang tries *very* hard
# to add warnings directly in the message body (text or html) rather
# than adding a separate "WARNING.TXT" MIME part.  If the message
# has no text or html part, then a separate MIME part is still used.
$AddWarningsInline = 0;

# To enable syslogging of virus and spam activity, add the following
# to the filter:
# md_graphdefang_log_enable();
# You may optionally provide a syslogging facility by passing an
# argument such as:  md_graphdefang_log_enable('local4');  If you do this, be
# sure to setup the new syslog facility (probably in /etc/syslog.conf).
# An optional second argument causes a line of output to be produced
# for each recipient (if it is 1), or only a single summary line
# for all recipients (if it is 0.)  The default is 1.
# Comment this line out to disable logging.
md_graphdefang_log_enable('mail', 1);

# Uncomment this to block messages with more than 50 parts.  This will
# *NOT* work unless you're using Roaring Penguin's patched version
# of MIME tools, version MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-02 or later.
# WARNING: DO NOT SET THIS VARIABLE unless you're using at least
# MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-02; otherwise, your filter will fail.
$MaxMIMEParts = 50;

# Set various stupid things your mail client does below.

# Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle nested multipart
# messages.  DO NOT set this lightly; it will cause action_add_part to
# work rather strangely.  Leave it at zero, even for MS Outlook, unless
# you have serious problems.
$Stupidity{"flatten"} = 0;

# Set the next one if your mail client cannot handle multiple "inline"
# parts.
$Stupidity{"NoMultipleInlines"} = 0;

# The next lines force SpamAssassin modules to be loaded and rules
# to be compiled immediately.  This may improve performance on busy
# mail servers.  Comment the lines out if you don't like them.
if ($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) {
    spam_assassin_init()->compile_now(1) if defined(spam_assassin_init());

# This procedure returns true for entities with bad filenames.
sub filter_bad_filename ($) {
    my($entity) = @_;
    my($bad_exts, $re);

    # Bad extensions
    $bad_exts = '(ade|adp|app|asd|asf|asx|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|dll|exe|fxp|hlp|hta|hto|inf|ini|ins|isp|jse?|lib|lnk|mdb|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|ocx|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|sh|shb|shs|sys|url|vb|vbe|vbs|vcs|vxd|wmd|wms|wmz|wsc|wsf|wsh|\{[^\}]+\})';

    # Do not allow:
    # - CLSIDs  {foobarbaz}
    # - bad extensions (possibly with trailing dots) at end
    $re = '\.' . $bad_exts . '\.*$';
    return re_match($entity, $re);

# Scan for a virus using the first supported virus scanner we find.
sub message_contains_virus () {
    return message_contains_virus_avp()      if ($Features{'Virus:AVP'});
    return message_contains_virus_fprot()    if ($Features{'Virus:FPROT'});
    return message_contains_virus_fsav()     if ($Features{'Virus:FSAV'});
    return message_contains_virus_hbedv()    if ($Features{'Virus:HBEDV'});
    return message_contains_virus_nai()      if ($Features{'Virus:NAI'});
    return message_contains_virus_bdc()      if ($Features{'Virus:BDC'});
    return message_contains_virus_nvcc()     if ($Features{'Virus:NVCC'});
    return message_contains_virus_rav()      if ($Features{'Virus:RAV'});
    return message_contains_virus_sophie()   if ($Features{'Virus:SOPHIE'});
    return message_contains_virus_trophie()  if ($Features{'Virus:TROPHIE'});
    return message_contains_virus_sophos()   if ($Features{'Virus:SOPHOS'});
    return message_contains_virus_trend()    if ($Features{'Virus:TREND'});
    return message_contains_virus_filescan() if ($Features{'Virus:FileScan'});
    return message_contains_virus_clamd()    if ($Features{'Virus:CLAMD'});
    return message_contains_virus_clamav()   if ($Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'});
    return message_contains_virus_carrier_scan() if ($Features{'Virus:SymantecCSS'});
    return (wantarray ? (0, 'ok', 'ok') : 0);

# Scan for a virus using the first supported virus scanner we find.
sub entity_contains_virus ($) {
    my($e) = @_;
    return entity_contains_virus_avp($e)      if ($Features{'Virus:AVP'});
    return entity_contains_virus_fprot($e)    if ($Features{'Virus:FPROT'});
    return entity_contains_virus_fsav($e)     if ($Features{'Virus:FSAV'});
    return entity_contains_virus_hbedv($e)    if ($Features{'Virus:HBEDV'});
    return entity_contains_virus_nai($e)      if ($Features{'Virus:NAI'});
    return entity_contains_virus_bdc($e)      if ($Features{'Virus:BDC'});
    return entity_contains_virus_nvcc($e)     if ($Features{'Virus:NVCC'});
    return entity_contains_virus_rav($e)      if ($Features{'Virus:RAV'});
    return entity_contains_virus_sophie($e)   if ($Features{'Virus:SOPHIE'});
    return entity_contains_virus_trophie($e)  if ($Features{'Virus:TROPHIE'});
    return entity_contains_virus_sophos($e)   if ($Features{'Virus:SOPHOS'});
    return entity_contains_virus_trend($e)    if ($Features{'Virus:TREND'});
    return entity_contains_virus_filescan($e) if ($Features{'Virus:FileScan'});
    return entity_contains_virus_clamd($e)    if ($Features{'Virus:CLAMD'});
    return entity_contains_virus_clamav($e)   if ($Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'});
    return entity_contains_virus_carrier_scan($e) if ($Features{'Virus:SymantecCSS'});
    return (wantarray ? (0, 'ok', 'ok') : 0);

# %PROCEDURE: filter_begin
#  None
#  Nothing
#  Called just before e-mail parts are processed
sub filter_begin () {

   # Load /etc/mail/spamcheck.users

   if(stream_by_spam_list()) {

    # ALWAYS drop messages with suspicious chars in headers
    if ($SuspiciousCharsInHeaders) {
	action_quarantine_entire_message("Message quarantined because of suspicious characters in headers");
	# Do NOT allow message to reach recipient(s)
	return action_discard();

   $foundSpam = "No";
   if((-s "./INPUTMSG") <= (200 * 1024)) {
      ($hits,$req,$names,$report) = spam_assassin_check();
      if($hits >= $req) {
         $foundSpam = "Yes";

    # First SpamAssassin Test, check to see if we are over the threshold
    # for bouncing, if so throw it away
    if (($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) && should_check_for_spam($Recipients[0])) {
       if ($hits >= $BounceThreshold) {
          md_graphdefang_log('spam', $hits, $RelayAddr);
          # Log sender & subject
          md_syslog('info',"$MsgID: REJECT: $Sender: $Subject");
          # Log brief SpamAssassin report if desired
          md_syslog('info',"$MsgID: $names");
          # Notify mailer of rejection
          action_bounce('User Unknown','550','5.1.1');

    # Scan for viruses if any virus-scanners are installed
    my($code, $category, $action) = message_contains_virus();

    # Lower level of paranoia - only looks for actual viruses
    $FoundVirus = ($category eq "virus");

    # Higher level of paranoia - takes care of "suspicious" objects
    # $FoundVirus = ($action eq "quarantine");

    if ($action eq "tempfail") {
	action_tempfail("Problem running virus-scanner");
	md_syslog('warning', "Problem running virus scanner: code=$code, category=$category, action=$action");

# %PROCEDURE: filter
#  entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details)
#  fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition:
#           header.  If no filename was suggested, then fname is ""
#  ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name
#         to the end of the name, including the period.)
#  type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header.
#  NOTE: There are two likely and one unlikely place for a filename to
#  appear in a MIME message:  In Content-Disposition: filename, in
#  Content-Type: name, and in Content-Description.  If you are paranoid,
#  you will use the re_match and re_match_ext functions, which return true
#  if ANY of these possibilities match.  re_match checks the whole name;
#  re_match_ext checks the extension.  See the sample filter below for usage.
#  Nothing
#  This function is called once for each part of a MIME message.
#  There are many action_*() routines which can decide the fate
#  of each part; see the mimedefang-filter man page.
sub filter ($$$$) {
    my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_;

    return if message_rejected(); # Avoid unnecessary work

    # Block message/partial parts
    if (lc($type) eq "message/partial") {
	action_bounce("MIME type message/partial not accepted here");
	return action_discard();

    # Virus scan
    if ($FoundVirus) {
	my($code, $category, $action);
	$VirusScannerMessages = "";
	($code, $category, $action) = entity_contains_virus($entity);
	# If you are more paranoid, change to: if ($action eq "quarantine") {
	if ($category eq "virus") {
            md_graphdefang_log('virus',$VirusName, $RelayAddr);

	    # Bounce the mail!
	    action_bounce("Virus $VirusName found in mail - rejected");

	    # But quarantine the part for examination later.  Comment
	    # the next line out if you don't want to bother.
	    action_quarantine($entity, "A known virus was discovered and deleted.  Virus-scanner messages follow:\n$VirusScannerMessages\n\n");

	if ($action eq "tempfail") {
	    action_tempfail("Problem running virus-scanner");
	    md_syslog('warning', "Problem running virus scanner: code=$code, category=$category, action=$action");

    if (filter_bad_filename($entity)) {
        md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type);
	return action_quarantine($entity, "An attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n");

    # eml is bad if it's not multipart
    if (re_match($entity, '\.eml')) {
	return action_quarantine($entity, "A non-multipart attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n");
    # Clean up HTML if Anomy::HTMLCleaner is installed.
    if ($Features{"HTMLCleaner"}) {
	if ($type eq "text/html") {
	    return anomy_clean_html($entity);

    return action_accept();

# %PROCEDURE: filter_multipart
#  entity -- a Mime::Entity object (see MIME-tools documentation for details)
#  fname -- the suggested filename, taken from the MIME Content-Disposition:
#           header.  If no filename was suggested, then fname is ""
#  ext -- the file extension (everything from the last period in the name
#         to the end of the name, including the period.)
#  type -- the MIME type, taken from the Content-Type: header.
#  Nothing
#  This is called for multipart "container" parts such as message/rfc822.
#  You cannot replace the body (because multipart parts have no body),
#  but you should check for bad filenames.
sub filter_multipart ($$$$) {
    my($entity, $fname, $ext, $type) = @_;

    if (filter_bad_filename($entity)) {
        md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type);
	action_notify_administrator("A MULTIPART attachment of type $type, named $fname was dropped.\n");
	return action_drop_with_warning("An attachment of type $type, named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n");

    # eml is bad if it's not message/rfc822
    if (re_match($entity, '\.eml') and ($type ne "message/rfc822")) {
	return action_drop_with_warning("A non-message/rfc822 attachment named $fname was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\nthe sender and arrange an alternate means of receiving it.\n");

    # Block message/partial parts
    if (lc($type) eq "message/partial") {
	action_bounce("MIME type message/partial not accepted here");

    return action_accept();

# %PROCEDURE: defang_warning
#  oldfname -- the old file name of an attachment
#  fname -- the new "defanged" name
#  A warning message
#  This function customizes the warning message when an attachment
#  is defanged.
sub defang_warning ($$) {
    my($oldfname, $fname) = @_;
	"An attachment named '$oldfname' was converted to '$fname'.\n" .
	"To recover the file, right-click on the attachment and Save As\n" .

# If SpamAssassin found SPAM, append report.  We do it as a separate
# attachment of type text/plain
sub filter_end ($) {
    my($entity) = @_;

    # If you want quarantine reports, uncomment next line
    # send_quarantine_notifications();

    # IMPORTANT NOTE:  YOU MUST CALL send_quarantine_notifications() AFTER
    # QUARANTINE SPAM, REWORK THE LOGIC TO CALL send_quarantine_notifications()
    # AT THE END!!!

    # No sense doing any extra work
    return if message_rejected();

    # Spam checks if SpamAssassin is installed
    if (($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) && should_check_for_spam($Recipients[0])) {
       my $score;
       if ($hits < 40) {
          $score = "*" x int($hits);
       } else {
          $score = "*" x 40;
       action_change_header("X-Spam-Score", "$hits ($score) $names");
       action_change_header("X-Spam-Status", "$foundSpam, hits=$hits required=$req");
       if ($hits >= $req && $hits < $BounceThreshold && defined($SpamBox)) {
          md_graphdefang_log('spam', $hits, $RelayAddr);
          # We add a header which looks like this:
          # X-Spam-Score: 6.8 (******) NAME_OF_TEST,NAME_OF_TEST
          # The number of asterisks in parens is the integer part
          # of the spam score clamped to a maximum of 40.
          # MUA filters can easily be written to trigger on a
          # minimum number of asterisks...

          # Add a header with original recipients, just for info
          action_add_header("X-Orig-Rcpts", join(", ", @Recipients));
          # Remove original recipients
          foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
          # Send to spam address

    # I HATE HTML MAIL!  If there's a multipart/alternative with both
    # text/plain and text/html parts, nuke the text/html.  Thanks for
    # wasting our disk space and bandwidth...

    # If you don't mind HTML mail, comment out the next line.


sub read_spam_list () {
    # Do nothing if already in memory
    return if defined($SV_ReadSpamList);
    # Read the file
    unless(open(SPAMCHECK, "/etc/mail/spamcheck.users")) {
   syslog('err', "Unable to read /etc/mail/spamcheck.users: $!");
    undef %SV_SpamAddresses;
    while(<SPAMCHECK>) {
   # Trim leading/trailing whitespace
   # Ignore blank lines and lines beginning with "#"
   next if (/^\#/);
   next if (/^$/);
   # Make lower-case; remove angle-brackets
   $addr = lc($_);
   $addr =~ tr/<>//d;
   $SV_SpamAddresses{$addr} = 1;

sub should_check_for_spam ($) {
    my($recip) = @_;
    $recip = lc($recip);
    $recip =~ tr/<>//d;
    return 1 if (defined($SV_SpamAddresses{$recip}));
    return 0;
# Stream message if required.  If some recipients are on spam
# list and others are not, re-mail two copies: One to the spam list
# and the other to those not on the spam list.

sub stream_by_spam_list () {
    my(@on_list, @off_list, $recip);
    foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
       if (should_check_for_spam($recip)) {
          push(@on_list, $recip);
       } else {
          push(@off_list, $recip);
    if ($#on_list >= 0 && $#off_list >= 0) {
       # Some on, some off -- remail
       $TerminateAndDiscard = 1;
       return 1;
    return 0;

# DO NOT delete the next line, or Perl will complain.

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