[Mimedefang] Sendmail, MIMEDefang and ClamAV
Chris Gauch
cgauch at digicon.net
Fri Aug 27 10:07:14 EDT 2004
Just run MIMEDefang as your milter, and set up the clamav.conf file
(generally in /usr/local/etc/) to run under user "defang". MIMEDefang will
call clamav on its own. Do not use ClamAV as a milter in sendmail if you're
attempting to run MIMEDefang as the milter.
This page is an absolute must-read prior to installing/configuring
MIMEDefang for your Linux system. I strongly recommend this how-to as it'll
walk you through the sendmail and MIMEDefang configuration...
As for startup scripts, clamav and MIMEDefang install startup scripts into
the /etc/init.d/ directory -- you can create links in the rc directory so
that the processes start in a specific order. Clamav should start first,
then MIMEDefang, then sendmail.
- Chris
Chris Gauch
Systems Administrator
Digicon Communications, Inc.
cgauch at digicon.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com [mailto:mimedefang-
> bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com] On Behalf Of NFN Smith
> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:36 PM
> To: mimedefang at lists.roaringpenguin.com
> Subject: [Mimedefang] Sendmail, MIMEDefang and ClamAV
> I've got a working setup of Sendmail, MIMEDefang and SpamAssassin, and
> working on adding ClamAV to the mix.
> For the moment, I've gone the route of launching ClamAV as a Sendmail
> milter (rather than from MIMEDefang), as described at
> http://linux.sgms-centre.com/howto/sendmailclamav.php (which makes no
> mention at all of MIMEDefang). Having previously run RAV as a Sendmail
> milter, this method is one that is fairly easy to do.
> ...................
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