[Mimedefang] Re: Sendmail, MIMEDefang and ClamAV

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Aug 26 16:30:09 EDT 2004

Am Do, den 26.08.2004 schrieb NFN Smith um 21:44:

> > Alternately, you could define both filters as in:
> >     define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `mimedefang, clmilter')dnl
> > 
> > Note that there is probably no benefit to doing this rather than just
> > removing the confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS entry unless you have a lot of
> > filters and simply want to redefine the order in which they are called.
> OK, I wondered about why confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS was specified.  It's not 
> one I've played with before.
> I wonder why this particular site suggested that it should be included...
> Smith

From cf/README:

A comma separated list of filters which determines which filters and the
invocation sequence are contacted for incoming SMTP messages. If none
are set, no filters will be contacted.

So using this definition you can change the invokation order of the
milters which should be used, without need to reorder or to remove the
milter lines itself.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) kernel 2.6.8-1.521smp 
Serendipity 22:28:31 up 6 days, 18:11, load average: 1.43, 1.62, 1.44 
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