[Mimedefang] whitelist_from not working

Scott Plumlee scott at plumlee.org
Mon Aug 23 10:20:38 EDT 2004

Been going through this myself.  I use the 
/etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf file instead as that is 
seatrched for first.  Make sure you read perldoc 
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf and verify that you are using whitelist_from 
and whitelist_from_rcvd correctly.  I keep kicking myself as I realize 
how I've got things not quite right.

Mike Carlson wrote:
> I have MimeDefang installed on a FreeBSD 4.8 box and I am running into a problem where a whitelisted address is still getting tagged as spam. I have added the address to /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
> Is there another place I should be putting it? There is a /usr/local/etc/mimedefang/sa-mimedefang.cf file, should I be putting my white lists there?
> --Mike Carlson


Scott Plumlee
PGP Public key: http://plumlee.org/pgp/   D64C 47D9 B855 5829 D22A D390 
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