[Mimedefang] New spam kills mimedefang/spamassassin with newlines

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Sun Aug 22 03:15:43 EDT 2004

On 22 Aug 2004 at 8:54, Martin Blapp wrote:

> I wonder if there is a way to circumvent this in mimedefang,
> or should it be done in spamassassin ?

I'd call it a SpamAssassin bug.  I don't think any of the multi-line 
rules rely on newlines remaining exactly the same.  One newline is 
generally considered equal to any number of consecutive ones.

SA should crush the input by stripping every blank line after the first 
two in a group (in other words, if it finds more than 3 consecutive 
newlines, it should delete newlines 4 to N).  This would solve the 
problem, and shouldn't change any rule hits.

Jeff Rife        |  
SPAM bait:       | "He chose...poorly." 
AskDOJ at usdoj.gov |  
spam at ftc.gov     |         -- Grail Knight, "Indiana Jones and the Last 

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