[Mimedefang] sender: <>

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Tue Aug 17 16:12:41 EDT 2004

On 17 Aug 2004 at 8:39, Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com wrote:

> Strangely enough, this also touches on the original question of
> "what do I do if an MX resolves to" - the following
> paragraph is a quote from the above URL: 
> If any of the valid MX servers for a domain have private, reserved,
> or otherwise bogus IP addresses, then the domain would be listed [in
> dsn.rfc-ignorant.org]. (E.g., given an address of <foo at example.tld>,
> if the MX for example.tld is mail.example.tld, and the A record
> listed in DNS for mail.example.tld is, then example.tld
> would be listed.) 

The MIMEDefang-centric way I deal with this is to just increase the 
scores on the RFC-Ignorant SpamAssassin tests.  Then, if the score is 
too high, I reject.

This allows me to let somebody else do most of the hard work.

Jeff Rife        | "...the flames began at a prophylactic recycling 
SPAM bait:       |  plant, near the edge of the forest..." 
AskDOJ at usdoj.gov |  
spam at ftc.gov     |         -- "WarGames" 

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