[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records *long w/morbid horoscope*

Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com
Thu Aug 12 13:55:55 EDT 2004

Kelson Vibber wrote:
> At 06:27 PM 8/11/2004, Jeff Rife wrote:
>> it is the responsibility of the MX machine to know what is and is
>> not deliverable. 
>> Again, this completely solves the issue of forged return address
>> bounce e-mails.
> Actually, no it doesn't.
> Let's try another ISP-as-MX scenario, this time where the company runs its
> own mail server as primary MX, but uses the ISP's server as a secondary: 

Whoa... stop right there.  If ISPs do this, there's a growing onus to maintain a "valid user" list, even without spam/virus filtering.  The details are up to the ISP to determine - whether they hook up a scheduled feed from the customer (via, say, LDAP) or whether they ask the user to manage valid users via a web interface.

But accept-everything-and-send-manual-undeliverable-reports-later is becoming less and less acceptable of a strategy.

Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com                      805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
perl -e"map{y/a-z/l-za-k/;print}shift" "Jjhi pcdiwtg Ptga wprztg,"

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