[Mimedefang] MUA for multiple senders

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Thu Aug 12 08:23:06 EDT 2004

mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com wrote on 08/12/2004 04:09:47 

> If you mean me, 

Cuold be.  I didn't have the original quesiton in my trash when I stumbled 
on the settings at home. (This is my work account)

> My question was how I can have:
> - an user-specified From: address and
> - a valid local-server-based envelope address.
> I considered this was in the line with the distinction between MTA and 
> MSA, but I haven't found any pointers in the sendmail README's or 

You do need to set up the account for each From: address, and it's a 
roundabout way to specify what outbound server to use (if you need to use 
different servers for each account).  But if there are a limited number of 
addresses you would send from, it could be an option.  If many accounts 
would be needed, it would be very cumbersome.

I suppose something could be scripted that creates a text file that could 
then be dumped on a mail server via port 25 that filled in the Mail from: 
and header from: information on the fly.

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