[Mimedefang] Question about Virus Scanners

Kelson Vibber kelson at speed.net
Wed Aug 11 14:28:31 EDT 2004

At 10:58 AM 8/11/2004, Mark Penkower wrote:
>For those of you using linux virus scanners with MimeDefang, what other 
>vendors had defs out as quickly as Mcafee?

ClamAV <http://www.clamav.net/> actually recognized it several hours 
*before* McAfee did.  (I had the updated virus defs on our server, and I 
went looking for more info at Symantec and McAfee and couldn't find 
it.)  In fact, Clam was so early that they had to change the name 
(Trojan.JS.RunMe, IIRC) after other AVs determined it was a Bagle variant.

Also, I highly recommend enabling the Archive::ZIP capabilities in newer 
versions of MD.  While we did have messages slip through before we got the 
updated definitions, they were all caught by filter-bad_filename and 

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <www.speed.net> 

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