[Mimedefang] How to verify that Network tests are working forspamassassin

Sherifd30 sherifd30 at menanet.net
Wed Aug 11 09:03:45 EDT 2004

> > I installed MIMEDefang/Spamassassin/Razor2/DCC
> >
> > and set $SALocalTestsOnly = 0; in my filter file
> Where?  If it's after SA is called it won't have any effect - best to put
> in at the top.

It is already at the start and before calling spamassassin, it is the next
line after $AddWarningsInline = 0;
in  /etc/mail/mimedefang-filter

> When you run it from the command line, do you run it as the user that MD
> as?

No, but I tried now with defang user, and DCC check  worked ok for the
sample-spam.txt file, but still it does not work for messages comming from
sendmail, although I send the same file by email from an extrenal server.

sendmail is running as smmsp, MIMEDefang as defang, clamd is runnig as root,
spamassassin is installed as root but it is executable for all.

clamd checks messages fine, spamassassin check only local rules, not network
rules like DCC and RBL for messages going through sendmail.

/etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf contains :
use_razor2 1
razor_timeout 13
use_dcc 1
dcc_timeout 13
dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc

I have this same problem on Linux and solaris!

> PLEASE - keep list traffic on the list.  Email sent directly to me may
> be ignored utterly.

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