[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

Les Mikesell les at futuresource.com
Tue Aug 10 13:06:20 EDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 09:12, Dave Williss wrote:

> You mean like an employee on the road using a hotel's ISP or at a
> wireless hotspot connecting back to your mail server to send mail
> as from your company?  _Make_ them use authentication.

Put a price tag on that. If you are selling a product, how many
dollars worth of orders are you willing to discard because the
potential customer sent a request for information through a
public access point instead of their own ISP?  Discarding their
mail is the only way you can _make_ someone else do things
your way.  Is it worth it, when what really matters is the
individual authentication and/or the message content?  I just
don't see much value in some untrusted third party's claim
of authentication.

  Les Mikesell
   les at futuresource.com

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