[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

Ben Kamen bkamen at benjammin.net
Tue Aug 10 11:06:25 EDT 2004

Dave Williss wrote:
>>What about people that have access through another company with
>>one of your domains but they arent using your mailserver with
> You mean like an employee on the road using a hotel's ISP or at a
> wireless hotspot connecting back to your mail server to send mail
> as from your company?  _Make_ them use authentication.  Although
> as I mentioned in an earlier message, I don't know if the current
> (E)SMTP authentication encrypts the password or sends it in
> cleartext.

Yes it does provided you use STARTTLS... which I do.

So it's a beautiful thing. Granted, I'm the only person of about 20 on my server 
that use AUTH & STARTTLS - but it works GREAT!


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