[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records *long w/morbid horoscop e*
Damrose, Mark
mdamrose at elgin.edu
Tue Aug 10 07:44:43 EDT 2004
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lucas Albers [mailto:admin at cs.montana.edu]
> I tried to get read the ldap address book entries from my internal
> exchange server (5.5) but I could never get it to work.
> I couldn't justify the effort as I'm don't really see it as a
> big deal at
> this point.
> I'm sure i should, but I can't justify the effort for the return.
Exchange 5.5 is a tough nut. That's what I have.
Under the default lookup, you can only search on a primary e-mail
address. All of my users have @elgin.edu addresses, but many of
them also have @elgin.cc.il.us addresses from before 2 year colleges
were allowed back in .edu. You can use ldap to search on an
@elgin.edu address, but you can't use it to search for @elgin.cc.il.us.
I understand that it is possible to determine a schema that could
be used to search secondary e-mail addresses, but even so there are
a lot of e-mail addresses which can't be searched via ldap. Essentially
if it isn't visible to the internal directory, it isn't visible via
ldap either.
I have also not been able to find any decent way to export all the
deliverable addresses - such that they could be massaged into access
format in an automated way.
I've asked this question is several fora whenever the group consensus
that there is never any reason why an external MX can't know all
valid e-mail becomes noisy. I'll ask again here. If anyone has a
solution - which doesn't involve changing my internal e-mail system -
I'd absolutely love to hear it.
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