[Mimedefang] Bad RCPT Throttle in the Real World

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Sat Aug 7 18:46:50 EDT 2004

On 5 Aug 2004 at 17:27, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

>     Hey, I never said they were *valid* responses, but it's a response 
> no less.  I don't like to advertise what version of mailer we're using, 
> so I changed it all.

Security by obscurity isn't really much help at all.

There are lots of ways to find out what version of mail server you 

Helpful messages are good for real people who have some sort of issue 
with your server, and don't help hackers or SPAMmers enough to justify 
not using them.

Jeff Rife        | "During the day you take orders from your 
SPAM bait:       |  girlfriend, and at night you reclaim your 
AskDOJ at usdoj.gov |  manhood by speeding around in a giant, metal 
spam at ftc.gov     |  penis." 
                 | "No, it's a Corvette, so it's giant fiberglass 
                 |  penis." 
                 |         -- Kate and Drew, "The Drew Carey Show" 

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