[Mimedefang] [Fwd: Bug#262590: segfault in mimedefang-multiplexor -E]

Martin Blapp mb at imp.ch
Thu Aug 5 08:44:19 EDT 2004


> I saw the same problem but assumed that it was because libperl was
> upgraded while the mimedefang compile wasn't... I simply disabled embedding
> on my debian system to get around it, but I assume that if you recompile
> mimedefang manually, it'll go away and start working again.
> I haven't really verified this, however... I built my own mimedefang-2.43.deb
> before the current perl_5.8.4-2_i386.deb was build, so I assumed that
> that was the problem (since I compiled against perl_5.8.4-1).

Please check if you have the Archive::Zip module installed ? In my tests I found
out that if this mod is installed, embedded perl mode in mimedefang is broken
and leads to a segfault.

And yes, the perl versions have to be in sync, that's definitly needed.


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