[Mimedefang] Sire MimeDefang 2.44: Undefined subroutine &mai n::do_main_loop
Jan Pieter Cornet
johnpc at xs4all.nl
Tue Aug 3 19:04:20 EDT 2004
(Tory: your quoting is very messy, and causes confusion. Please fix it by
dropping outlook (best) or installing either the outlook quotefix:
or the outlook express quotefix:
I don't know which version you're running exactly).
On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 01:03:25AM -0700, Tory Blue wrote:
> That's not it :), the other gent with the comment about removing the
> $MX_EMBED_PERL directive, but that just showed more errors :) Now can't
> start mimdefang-plexor, even though I have the "`[ -n "$MX_USER" ] ; echo
> "-U $MX_USER"` \" defined in the /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang file as
> MX_USER=defang, it still says I can't start the sytem as "root", well if
> it's suppose to drop down with the -U, then there should be no reason it
> won't start when I start it as root. I can't start as defang, since defang
> really has very lil permissions to talk to the /var/run dir and other areas
> in which the startup script would like to touch.
> Now I'm back to having issues with the -f directive and again in my config
> file (startup file) I have FILTER=/usr/local/bin/mimedefang.pl
> [root at gateway2 init.d]# /etc/init.d/mailsystem start
> /usr/local/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor: -f: You must supply an absolute path
> for filter program
> Starting mimedefang-multiplexor FAILED
> /etc/aliases: 63 aliases, longest 31 bytes, 652 bytes total
> Starting sendmail
> W0w this is frustrating :)
... and also you are not making a lot of sense to me. Could be my
(lack of) comprehension of english, a foreign language for me... but I
think you edited the startup file at the wrong place. You should _not_
modify the several-lines-long program invocation, only the setting of
the environment variables at the beginning.
# Set to yes if you want to use an embedded Perl interpreter
# Set to yes if you want to use an embedded Perl interpreter
... and that should be enough (after you reverted your previous
erroneous edit, of course).
Or you could start mimedefang-multiplexor and mimedefang manually,
providing the correct options yourself. This is, however, a bit
Best regards,
#!perl -wpl # mmfppfmpmmpp mmpffm <pmmppfmfpppppfmmmf at fpffmm4mmmpmfpmf.ppppmf>
$_[2]}->(map{/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):qw(m p f)[map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9,
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig; # Jan-Pieter Cornet
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