[Mimedefang] MIME-tools-5.411a with BinHex support

J.D. Bronson jbronson at wixb.com
Mon Aug 2 19:36:32 EDT 2004

At 04:11 PM 8/1/2004, you wrote:

>I just patched MIME-tools-5.411a to support BinHex-Encoding. You'll need the
>Convert::BinHex installed. Some FreeBSD fixes are also part of this distfile.
>Download URL:
>This fixes the Virustest #5, #8 if scan_entity() is used.

Can you please expand (or show an example) of scan_entity() ?

I searched MD's archives and google and could not come up with an answer?


J.D. Bronson
Aurora Health Care // Information Services // Milwaukee, WI USA
Office: 414.978.8282 // Email: jd at aurora.org // Pager: 414.314.8282

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