[Mimedefang] odd error running graphdefang

Chris Gauch cgauch at digicon.net
Sat Aug 28 22:33:27 EDT 2004

Have any of you encountered this error while running graphdefang?

Negative length at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/File/ReadBackwards.pm line

Graphdefang basically craps out and does not process any further because of
this error.   

I tried reinstalling File::ReadBackwards and that did not resolve the issue.
I also renamed SummaryDB and tried to run graphdefang from scratch to see if
that would work, no luck.  Could it be something in the maillog causing the
error?  If so, how can that be resolved?  

Any insight/advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.

- Chris

Chris Gauch
Systems Administrator
Digicon Communications, Inc.
cgauch at digicon.net

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