[Mimedefang] Inoffizial MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-04 available (includes data corruption fix)
Martin Blapp
mb at imp.ch
Wed Aug 25 08:46:54 EDT 2004
Hi all,
I just put up a new patched version of MIME-tools online:
- Backport from 6.002: Parser memory leak fixed. The closure-based
task/benchmark mechanisms created for 5.5 were leaking references
like crazy. That's been stopped.
- Backport from 6.002: Correct "7_bit", "7-bit", and "7 bit" to
"7bit"; likewise for "8bit".
- MIME::Body produces incorrect quoted-printable encoding if the body is
non-text data which can lead to data corruption.
You'll need MIME::QuotedPrint 3.03 installed, because encode_qp() takes
now three arguments. I just upgraded to FreeBSD port of MIME::Base64
to version 3.03, so portsupgrade will work there.
This version is the only one which passes all tests from
http://www.testvirus.org in combination with clamd and scan_entity().
In MIME-tools-5.411a-RP-Patched-03 I added BinHex-encoding support for
application/mac-binhex40 and application/mac-binhex mimetypes.
6.002 has unfortunatly some bugs and does not work reliable so I'll continue
to offer packages until David does fix this issue ;-)
Martin Blapp, <mb at imp.ch> <mbr at FreeBSD.org>
ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP, Zurlindenstrasse 29, 4133 Pratteln, CH
Phone: +41 61 826 93 00 Fax: +41 61 826 93 01
PGP: <finger -l mbr at freebsd.org>
PGP Fingerprint: B434 53FC C87C FE7B 0A18 B84C 8686 EF22 D300 551E
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