[Mimedefang] graphdefang and mailing list activity
Rich West
Rich.West at wesmo.com
Fri Aug 20 11:53:38 EDT 2004
I've been trying to tweak mimedefang to properly log all mailing list
activity in order to get a better idea, through graphdefang, as to how
much of the overall activity is due to the mailing lists.
I've gotten the mimedefang-filter set to identify mail coming *in* to
the mailing lists and properly log it, but, as you know, the bulk of
email with regards to mailing lists is email going *out* from mailing lists.
I thought of putting something in to filter_sender, but then I backed
off thinking that I might be opening up a rather large security hole.
I've since built a small snippet to be added to the end of filter_sender:
if (&is_list($sender) && ($hostip == "")){
md_graphdefang_log("mailing_list", , ,);
Where is_list is as below (with the %lists being a hash of all lists on
the system).
sub is_list
my($listname) = shift;
## The email address, as it comes in, is surrounded by
## brackets. We have to massage it a little in order to do
## proper matching. eg: '<test at testdomain.com>' needs to be 'test'.
$listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
$listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
return ($lists{lc($listname)});
However, if I remember correctly, the "from" addresses when dealing with
mailing lists are not easily matched upon... I think that is where my
logic in this scenario starts to fade..
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