[Mimedefang] MimeDefang 2.44 and SA 3.0

Chris Stenton jacs at gnome.co.uk
Mon Aug 9 13:30:38 EDT 2004

In mimedefang.pl I have had to add a LOCAL_RULES_DIR  to the SA call
otherwise init.pre and cf files other than sa-mimedefang.cf don't get
picked up. Anyone else had this problem?


+       my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '/etc/mail/spamassassin';  
        $SASpamTester = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
            local_tests_only   => $SALocalTestsOnly,
            dont_copy_prefs    => 1,
            userprefs_filename => $config,    
+           LOCAL_RULES_DIR     => $LOCAL_RULES_DIR,

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