[Mimedefang] SENDMAIL I/O error
Eva Kolega
ekol at teiath.gr
Tue Aug 3 06:11:34 EDT 2004
We have integrated sendmail and trend micro for the needs of our domain
(sendmail deamon runs in 2 instances).
The system works in a perfect way but we seem to have 2 problems.
Actually, I have seen those problems in the list but I missed the answer
if there was any.
1st problem:
Some few mails get stuck in the mail queue and their status is described
as I/O error.
What could possibly be the reason for that ?
2nd problem:
We activated quotas for the /var/mail filesystem.
But when a user has exceeded his quota and a mail is sent to him as well
as to other users (I mean of the same list), then the list users begin
to receive this e-mail repeatedly ( every 4h for 5 days - in accordance
to our queue settings). In spite of the fact that a user may not
overquota, he will receive several times an e-mail just because he
belongs to the same list-group with an overquota user.
I would apreciate any help on these two topics.
Thanks a lot,
Eva Kolega
Systems Administrator
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