[Mimedefang] Re: milter-greylist

John Kirkland jpk at bl.org
Tue Aug 31 10:17:36 EDT 2004

> To my inexperienced eye it seems extremely elegant/sensible to
> separate this functionality out of MimeDefang - gives MimeDefang less
> to do, simplifies filters, etc. Does anyone know better?

The very first greylisting implementation that I used was
milter-greylist, but I found that some virus senders were getting
whitelisted because their traffic travelled through normal mail servers.
This meant that future viruses from this same computer to the same
recipient would go through without being greylisted.

In the MimeDefang-based greylisting implementation that I use now
(www.bl.org/~jpk/md-greylist), an IP number is removed from the
whitelist if a spam or virus is received from it.  This cut down on
repeat virus traffic quite a bit.


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