[Mimedefang] mimedefang -> tcp/ip -> clamd [solved]

Florian Meister Florian.Meister at medienhaus.at
Fri Aug 27 15:54:14 EDT 2004

If anybody is interested in ... 

I have patched my mimedefang.pl to support the clamd-tcp-socket. It
sends the files to scan using the stream-command from clamd. I have
tried it and it works very well. 

But ... I'm not using it anymore, because clamd takes nearly no
system-resources, and so I run clamd on the same machine.


# %PROCEDURE: message_contains_virus_clamd_tcp
#  clamd_host (optional) -- clamd hostname:port
#  1 if any file in the working directory contains a virus
#  Invokes the clamd daemon (http://www.clamav.net/)
#  on the entire message.
sub message_contains_virus_clamd_tcp (;$) {
    my ($clamd_host) = $ClamdHost;
    $clamd_host = shift if (@_ > 0);
    $clamd_host = "" if (!defined($clamd_host));
    my $output;

    # PING/PONG test to make sure clamd is alive
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new($clamd_host);
    if (defined $sock) {
        if (! defined($output) || $output ne "PONG") {
          md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: clamd is not responding");
          return (wantarray ? (999, 'cannot-execute', 'tempfail') :
    else {
        md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Could not connect to clamd daemon at
        return (wantarray ? (999, 'cannot-execute', 'tempfail') : 999);

    # open up a socket and scan each file in ./Work
    $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new($clamd_host);
    if (defined $sock) {
       if (!$sock->print("STREAM")) {
            return (wantarray ? (999, 'swerr', 'tempfail') : 999);
        my ($output1,$sendport);
        my $ans = $sock->sysread($output1,256);
        if (!defined($ans) || !$ans) {
            return (wantarray ? (999, 'swerr', 'tempfail') : 999);
        if ($output1 =~ /PORT (.+)/) {
            $sendport .= $1;
        my $sendhost;
        ($sendhost) = ($clamd_host =~ /^(.+):/);
        $sendhost = "$sendhost:$sendport";
        my $sendsocket = IO::Socket::INET->new($sendhost);

        if (defined $sendsocket)
                opendir(DIR, "$CWD/Work") or die "can't open dir
$CWD/Work: $!\n";
                while (defined(my $file = readdir(DIR)))
                        open(INPUT, "< $CWD/Work/$file") or die
"Couldn't open $CWD/Work/$file for reading: $!\n";
                                print $sendsocket $_;
                        close INPUT;

        if (!$sock->flush) {
            return (wantarray ? (999, 'swerr', 'tempfail') : 999);
        $ans = $sock->sysread($output,256);
        if (!defined($ans) || !$ans) {
            return (wantarray ? (999, 'swerr', 'tempfail') : 999);
        if ($output =~ /: (.+) FOUND/) {
            $VirusScannerMessages .= "clamd found the $1 virus.\n";
            $VirusName = $1;
            return (wantarray ? (1, 'virus', 'quarantine') : 1);
    else {
        # Could not connect to daemon
        md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Could not connect to clamd daemon at
        return (wantarray ? (999, 'cannot-execute', 'tempfail') : 999);
    # No errors, no infected files were found
    return (wantarray ? (0, 'ok', 'ok') : 0);


Ciao, flo

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