[Mimedefang] mimedefang not scanning

Andrew Jayes andrew.jayes at visitheartofengland.com
Mon Aug 23 11:16:02 EDT 2004

	For some reason mimedefang is not scanning any mail that is passing through sendmail.

Fedora core
Spam assassin

In the mimedefang config I have code setup so that anything that is scanned has a header added to say x-spam scanned and x-virus scanned. At the moment all mail that comes through does not have this header.

In 'ps axf' I can see entries for sendmail, mimedefang and clamd so it all seams to be running.

I have added my domain to the access file under /etc/mail to allow sendmail to relay any mail on to my exchange server.

Can anyone think why this is not working or give me some suggestions of what I can check on.


Andrew Jayes
e-Business Officer
Heart of England Tourism
Tel:     01905 76 11 20
Fax:    01905 76 34 50
e-Mail: andrew.jayes at visitheartofengland.com

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