[Mimedefang] [PATCH] MIME-tools-6.200_02

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Sun Aug 22 01:58:51 EDT 2004

--On Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:20 PM -0500 Les Mikesell 
<les at futuresource.com> wrote:

> The real trick would be to also package clamav and make them
> work together when both are installed (i.e. make clamd run
> as the defang user)

Now that MD uses the RH-style group access, one just has to add the clamav 
user to the defang group and let MD know where Clam's socket is. One 
already has to explicitly enable Clam support in the filter, so this isn't 
a big step above that.

Does it make sense to add some kind of directory-based config for MD, 
similar to SpamAssassin? By that I mean a directory full of filter 
components supplied by other apps, to be assembled for use by the final 
filter. The current filter lumps everything into a single file, making 
updates a little trickier.

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