[Mimedefang] sendmail spf milter plugin for sendmail 8.13.0

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Thu Aug 19 02:19:08 EDT 2004

On 18 Aug 2004 at 13:20, Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com wrote:

> > This then breaks forwarding, one of the advantages of DomainKeys over
> > SPF.
> How so?  Email forwarding works, so long as the forwarding agent (say,
> forwarder.example.com) signs the forwarded email with their DomainKey.

You haven't read the spec enough.  To do this, the forwarder would have 
to change the "From:" header.  Although this is benign, this is a type 
of forgery of the "From:" header, and forgery of the "From:" header is 
what DomainKeys is supposed to stop.

Jeff Rife        | "Damn it, I miss the sound of her voice.  I tried 
SPAM bait:       |  putting silverware down the disposal, but it 
AskDOJ at usdoj.gov |  wasn't the same." 
spam at ftc.gov     |  
                 |         -- Ned Dorsey, "Ned and Stacey" 

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