[Mimedefang] sendmail spf milter plugin for sendmail 8.13.0

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Wed Aug 18 09:17:09 EDT 2004

mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com wrote on 08/18/2004 08:39:53 

> Furthermore, DomainKeys is trivially defeated with a replay attack.
> Send yourself the spam through the signing server.  Now you have a 
> spam that you can re-mail far and wide.  Of course, you can't mutate it,
> which might increase the effectiveness of DCC and the like, but it still
> means you can't *really* trust a properly-signed message.

But wouldn't this require access to an account on the domain you are going 
to claim the email is from? 

If I want a message signed by Citibank, I would need access to send a 
message from their server.  I don't have that and I'll bet most 
spammers/phishers don't either.

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