[Mimedefang] Question about Virus Scanners

Damrose, Mark mdamrose at elgin.edu
Wed Aug 11 14:21:03 EDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Gauch [mailto:cgauch at digicon.net]

> Since ClamAV regularly sees updates 
> to its virus
> database (sometimes several times per day), I created a 
> cron.hourly script
> that runs the "freshclam" script every hour in order to 
> ensure current DAT
> files.

The cron people have noted that their servers get buried
at the top of the hour, and have requested that people
have their freshclam run at a random time other than right
on the hour.

I put this in my /etc/crontab
17 * * * * root freshclam --daemon-notify=/etc/clamav.conf -u defang 2>&1 |
logger -p mail.info -i -t freshclam

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