[Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Mon Aug 9 15:42:57 EDT 2004

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> All SPF-Pass means is that the e-mail came from an authorized
> sender for the domain in question.

Right.  SPF is *not* an anti-spam technology.

What SPF is good for is stopping bounces from joe-jobs.  We get
hundreds of bounces a day because people fake mail from
"some_random_string at roaringpenguin.com".  A lot of this mail gets
bounced, and the bounces head our way.

If the entire Internet used SPF, then the place where the mails were
originally injected would refuse them, and we wouldn't get all these

So SPF is a good technology to combat joe-jobs providing everyone in
the Internet uses it. :-( See



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