[Mimedefang] Question regarding stream_by_recipient()

Larry Starr larrys at fullcompass.com
Mon Aug 9 12:54:13 EDT 2004

I am running mimedefang 2.37/spamassassin 2.60 on a redhat mail gateway (no 
local users).

I have recently been asked, by my CEO, to "Lower" the spam scores for him and
our President.   He tends to subscribe to some "questionable" mailing lists, 
etc.  and has seen some tagged as spam.  He's now afraid he's missing 

My problem is that by lowering the addresses (adding a negative score) when 
either of these individuals show up in the recipients list, I have 
effectively done the same for most of the company, based on the number of 
SPAM's that are addressed to many recipients, and include one or both of 
these individuals.

I am familiar with the docs for "stream_by_redipient" and am reluctant to use 
this for all messages, due to the additional load on my Mail server.

Has anyone tried, or does anyone see a problem with, code like:
       sub filter_begin {
           if (stream_by_recipient()  && <list contains specific users> )
           # Rest of filter_begin

So that the "stream_by_recipients" only fires if a specific set of user(s) are 
in the recipient list?

Thank you,
Larry G. Starr - larrys at fullcompass.com or starrl at globaldialog.com
Software Engineer: Full Compass Systems LTD.
Phone: 608-831-7330 x 1347  FAX: 608-831-6330
There are only three sports: bullfighting, mountaineering and motor
racing, all the rest are merely games! - Ernest Hemmingway

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