[Mimedefang] /usr/local/bin/mimedefang: smfi_register failed

Jeff Rife mimedefang at nabs.net
Sun Aug 8 16:22:09 EDT 2004

On 8 Aug 2004 at 13:48, Gilad Galad wrote:

> The "smfi_register: version mismatch application" error looks scary. Has 
> anyone any idea why this comes about?

The headers and milter library you used to compile sendmail aren't the 
same as the ones you used to compile MIMEDefang.  It's actually a 
common error, and not that "scary".

Just make sure the only sendmail source (i.e., the header files) and 
libraries on your machine are the actual ones used to compile the 
running sendmail, then do a "make clean" and "make" on MIMEDefang.

Jeff Rife        |  /"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign 
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