[Mimedefang] MIMEDefang not scanning for Spam??

Sven Schuster schuster.sven at gmx.de
Tue Aug 3 05:28:46 EDT 2004


I have a little problem with a mail server running sendmail-8.11.6-9.72.1
(Redhat AS 2.1) and mimedefang 2.36. The server usually works ok, but
I have one case where it doesn't seem to be scanned for spam (done by
SpamAssassin). Please see the following part of the email:

Received: from mail.rotary.de ([] helo=bertha.christians.de)
                by mail.hamburg.cityline.net with esmtp (TLSv1:EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:168)
                (Exim 4.32)
                id 1BqtG2-0001MC-GW; Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:46:42 +0200
Received: from fmmailgate02.web.de (fmmailgate02.web.de [])
                by bertha.christians.de (8.12.8/8.12.8) with ESMTP id i6VCkNr9006401;
                Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:46:23 +0200
Received: by fmmailgate02.web.de (8.12.6/8.12.6/webde Linux 0.7) with SMTP id i6VCiH2a030627; Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:44:20 +0200
Received: from by freemailng2003.web.de with HTTP;
                Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:44:18 +0200
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 14:44:18 +0200
Message-Id: <20355748 at web.de>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?"Petra=20M=FCller"?= <SehrguteFreundin at web.de>
To: 3satboerse at zdf.de, buchhaltung at grundbesitz.de, david at zinzius.de,
  ehlhardt.gmbh at t-online.de, gvoegtle at web.de, hcl at leonhards.de,
  hdoersch at frowein-partner.de, hilde.schwadorf at t-online.de,
  hilden-haan at rotary.de, info at acardo.com, info at grundpartner.de,
  info at rotary.de, j.natter at t-online.de, joergreemann at t-online.de,
  kontakt at innerwheel.de, langohr at ilt.fhg.de, leverkusen-opladen at rotary.de,
  matthey at rcwsued.de, neandertal at rotary.de, redaktion at bild.de,
  redaktion at rheinische-post.de, redaktion at rundschau-verlagsgesellschaft.de,
  redaktion at westdeutsche-zeitung.de, remscheid at rotary.de, rotary at wut.de,
  rouly.carlson at t-online.de, solingen-klingenpfad at rotary.de, sunnylips at web.de,
  thomasfschmidt at compuserve.de, wamhoff at uni-bonn.de, worth at uni-wuppertal.de,
  xela1977 at aol.com
Subject: F.A.Z vom 30.07.2004
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="STEFAN410b942472b3"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Precedence: fm-user
Organization: http://freemail.web.de/
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.36
X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on DOMINO1/SRV/AEKNO(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at 31.07.2004 14:47:01

Please note that usually, at least a header "X-Spam-Status" is inserted
in the mail headers, but the "X-Scanned-By" header is present in this
mail. The X-MIMETrack header was inserted by a Lotus Notes server
to which the mails are forwarded by the sendmail server which receives
mails in the first place from the internet.
I have a rule in SpamAssassin's local.cf to give mails from
"sehrgutefreundin at web.de" a score of 20 points:

header WS_FROM_SGFWEBDE>>--From =~ /sehrgutefreundin\@web.de/i
describe WS_FROM_SGFWEBDE>->--E-Mail von "sehrgutefreundin\@web.de"
score WS_FROM_SGFWEBDE>->--20

This rule usually does work, even when I reinject this mail (as present
in the users mbox) into sendmail (port 25). I also don't have any
rules to skip spam scanning for certain senders or recipients or the

Any idea what's going wrong here??

Thanks for any help!!
(please CC: me on replies as I'm not subscribed to the mimedefang-list)


Linux zion 2.6.8-rc2 #1 Sun Jul 18 15:00:48 CEST 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
 11:18:16  up 15 days, 12:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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