[Mimedefang] Automatic tempfail recovery

Kelson Vibber kelson at speed.net
Mon Sep 8 13:11:02 EDT 2003

On Monday 08 September 2003 07:47 am, Aaron Paetznick wrote:
> Would it be possible to have MIMEDefang check for a tempfail state and
> attempt to restart itself every configurable period of time?  I would
> have it default to checking once every 3 minutes or so.  Opinions?

I run the attached script as a cron job every 10 minutes.  It checks the end 
of the maillog for a large number of "initialization failed" messages, then 
restarts MD.

We used to have a bigger problem with this, but it's only been triggered twice 
in the past 4 months.  Of course, both of those were in the middle of the 
night, so I was really glad the script was in place!

Kelson Vibber
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