[Mimedefang] graphdefang 0.9, --trim, memory usage, other comments

Chris Stromsoe cbs at cts.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 28 17:10:50 EST 2003

I'm running graphdefang 0.9 to graph a data-set of roughly 800,000 to
1,200,000 mails per day, depending on the day.  For the most part, I'm
pretty happy with it.  I do have some comments and questions.

First the comments.

I've made some modifications to the source and have added an "average"
keyword that functions similar to summary, but tracks an average over
time.  If there is interest in integrating upstream, I'd be more than
happy to take a diff and send it on.

Running with --trim doesn't draw the graphs.  This means that I'm having
to run graphdefang twice every time I need the graphs built.  After I
think more about how I want to do it, I'm going to modify it so that
graphdefang continues graphing after it trims, rather than exiting.  If
there's interest, I'll forward a patch for that, too.

graphdefang 0.9 can run with one data file or multiple datafiles.  I've
added the ability to run without any data files and draw graphs based only
on the .db file.  I'm also going to add the ability to import data from
multiple .db files.  Right now, I am pre-processing .db files from several
machines into a unified file and then running graphdefang against the
unified .db to create a single graph.  I need to cleanly integrate the
pre-processor into the graphdefang framework.  Again, if there is
interest, I will forward that patch as well.

I've made several other changes (configurable summary db name, summary db
path, and config file name).  If there's interest...

And, now the questions.  Well, question.

As others have mentioned, memory usage is a problem.  I'm regularly seeing
in excess of 1Gb of ram in use when graphdefang runs.  I'm only 12 days
into my data-set and have no idea how much more will be eaten when I get a
full month's worth of data to graph.  Any ideas for reducing memory usage?
One that I've had is to stop loading all of the data from the tie() and
working off disk.  Which would have the unfortunate side affect of slowing
down processing.  Anything else?


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