[Mimedefang] Antivirus & mimedefang

CMC Engineers cmc at jncasr.ac.in
Tue Oct 14 05:17:25 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I recently started using mimedefang on a test system and I am not good 
at perl.
I am running mimedefang with NAI uvscan and  File:Scan enabled.
Now when a virus detected by  uvscan I am getting a warning mail like this.

A known virus was discovered and deleted.  Virus-scanner messages follow:
        Found the W32/Sobig.f at MM virus !!!

1. I like to Modify this message so that I will know which virus scanner 
detected the virii in message as " Found the W32/Sobig.f at MM virus by 
McAfee Uvscan" . How to insert that information in $VirusScannerMessages?
I tried to insert additional info at
"if ($CurrentVirusScannerMessage =~ m/^\s+Found the (\S+) .*virus/);"at 
around line 2168 in mimedefang.pl for intrepret_nai_code  subroutine, 
but it is not taking effect.

How to do that??

(I dont want to discard messages totally even when if it infected with 
Sobig.f or other mass -mailing virii,  still want to notify the 
reciepent. In an educational institution like ours many feels the right 
to get notified atleast)

2. Can somebody share with me the code to use one virus scanner and if 
it fails the next virus scaner in succession?

3. I want to defang if any files with extension .doc etc which are 
infected (other than bad file name extensions), if clean failed  and to 
be delivered to the user without deleting the attachment. How to 
accomplish that?? Bad file extensions, I modified to defang if not 
infected with virus.


James Sebastian

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