[Mimedefang] Graphdefang 0.9 SummaryDB corrupts whenever size is over 200k

Lee Dilkie lee at dilkie.com
Fri Nov 21 19:48:36 EST 2003

> Hi.. I was trying to use graphdedfang 0.7 that was included in the
> mimedefang port on FreeBSD but i was having the same issue im
> still having
> after upgrading to Graphdefang 0.9.  I'm using mimedefang
> 2.38/spamassassin 2.60 and i've upgraded to Berkley DB 4.1 as well as
> followed instructions i found to resolve all issues on BSD
> based systems
> including installing the updated perl db_file routines that come with
> DB4.1.  This is FreeBSD 4.8.  I'm not even a large site and
> Has anyone experienced this issue?  I've tried everything.  I tried
> resolving this same issue maybe a year ago with Graphdefang
> but no one had
> experienced the same problem.  Well I'm anxious to get it
> working so pleas
> e let me know if you have any ideas.
> David Erickson, CCSA
> erickson at mddsg.com


I was in a similar boat and eventually (with some help) found that my
DB_File wasn't installed correctly. You can use the db41 in the ports but
you must go to the perl/DB_File directory and edit the config.in and put in
the correct values before running the "perl Makefile.PL", "make", "make
install" process.

my config.in (for freebsd 4.9) has:

INCLUDE		= /usr/local/include/db41
LIB	= /usr/local/lib
DBNAME = -ldb41

(whole file attached).

I've also saved a local copy since portupgrade seemed to nuke it and break
DB_File which I had to go and reinstall.

I'm also not 100% sure, but I think if the system runs out of swap and
graphdefang is killed the SummaryDB is left in a bad state. This happened to
me when graphdefang ran while I was portupgrading kde (a 3 day job) and I
had too many mimedefang slave's running. I now back up the SummaryDB at
least every week because I can recover with that and all the compressed

If I knew how to do a patch for the ports properly, I'd submit one for the
DB_File part of the db41 port.

Hope this helps.

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