[Mimedefang] greylisting

Lee Dilkie lee at dilkie.com
Fri Nov 28 07:56:46 EST 2003

> I implemented greylisting on the 23rd.
> (read the archives if your wondering what greylisting is.)
> And I am just completelly amazed at how effective it is at
> bouncing spam,
> --Luke
> sub exclude_server ($){
>         my ($ip) = @_;
>         if ($ip =~ /127\.0\.0\.1/
>                 || $ip =~ /xxx\.xx\.xxx\./
>                 || exists($SendmailMacros{'auth_authen'})) {
>                 #md_syslog('err',"skipping $RelayAddr because local");
>                 return 1;
>         } else {
>                 #md_syslog('err',"not skipping $RelayAddr because not
> local");
>                 return 0;
>         }
> }

$SendmailMacros{'auth_authen'} doesn't seem to be set to anything for an
authenticated connection during filter_recipient(). This macro does exist
during filter_begin(). Is there a reason why it gone during
filter_recipient() or is there a way for me to set a variable in
filter_begin() that would be available during filter_recipient()? (i suspect
not but I'm not a perl expert).

According to 'man mimedefang-filter', the sendmail macros are not available
during filter_recipient(). Did you verify that it worked for you?



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