[Mimedefang] Adding foreign caracters with append_text_boilerplate()

Oliver Schulze L. oliver at samera.com.py
Thu May 22 12:07:01 EDT 2003

Hi David,
I have done some debug and wait to hear this:

If I send a plain text US-ASCII email and add a US-ASCII text,
append_text_boilerplate() convert my plain text email to a MIME email.

This is what I have in filter_end()
sub filter_end($)
  my($entity) = @_;

  my($trailer_tmp) = "this is a test";
  append_text_boilerplater($entity, $trailer_tmp, 0);

If I remove the append_text_boilerplater() or send a MIME email, the
plain text email is not converted to MIME.

I send an email via Mozilla and via 'echo "test" | mail -s test user'

I think something terrible happened to my installation. :-(

I'm using RedHat 9.0

Anyone one using RH9?


David F. Skoll wrote:

>On Thu, 22 May 2003, Oliver Schulze L. wrote:
>>The problem I'm getting is in adding plain text to a plain text email.
>Yes, but if you add text encoded in the ISO-8859-1 character set
>to e-mail encoded in US-ASCII, you won't get the results you expect.
>>>Sorry, but that's just how it is.  It might be safer to add the
>>>boilerplate text in its own MIME part, where you can specify exactly
>>>the character set and encoding that you need.
>>Can I do this with MIMEdefang?
>Certainly; see the MIME::Tools man page and related man pages.
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Oliver Schulze L.
<oliver at samera.com.py>

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