[Mimedefang] uvscan load.

Juan Carlos S.C jcsilla at dyr.es
Wed May 28 07:31:01 EDT 2003

	 HI *:

	I'm using MIMEDefang with viruscan from McAfee. I start 
mimedefang-multiplexor with  minSlaves=8, maxSlaves=45, maxRequests=500, 
maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=300, clientTimeout=10.

	Some time after start multiplexor 'top' shows that one proccess for 
uvscan ist heavy loading cpu an his exec time grows continuously -it's 
the proccess much time running on the system.

	The load of system when this happend is greater than when uvscan 
process die after perform a scanning task.

	Is this normal, is about threads ?

	Thanks * ;)

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