[Mimedefang] Re: [vtools] Sophie 3.01/3.02 does not set $FoundVirus in mimedefang-filter

Vanja Hrustic vanja at vanja.com
Tue May 20 13:15:01 EDT 2003

On Tue, 20 May 2003 10:11:35 +0200 (MET DST)
Andrzej Marecki <amr at astro.uni.torun.pl> wrote:

> And finally, "message_contains_virus_sophie()" is the following perl
> code:

I have modified code a bit (so that it works "outside" MIMEDefang) and
tested with Sophie 3.02, and I got virus name properly returned. I have
attached s.pl file, so you can take a look.

Do you have Sophie 3 configured to return 'error strings' as well, in
sophie.cfg? Are you 100% sure that socket name (defined in sophie.cfg) is
proper, and is the socketname that MIMEDefang talks to?

>From what I see, MIMEDefang would log if it can't connect to Sophie - can
you check your logfiles?

> Now, if I use *the same* perl code and _EVERYTHING ELSE_ but different
> versions of Sophie, $FoundVirus variable here:
>   my($code, $category, $action) = message_contains_virus();
>   $FoundVirus = ($category eq "virus");
> is not set properly if I use Sophie 3.01/3.02 but is OK for version
> 1.43/1.44.

Are you sure socket filename is right (in configuration file) when you use
Sophie 3?

Run "./sophie -d", and send me the output of MIMEDefang run when Sophie
does not return that virus is found. In debugging mode, it is pretty clear
what happens and what Sophie returns, so this should have been tried

Has anyone else on MIMEDefang mailing list confirmed your findings? I
presume there are more people using Sophie3/MIMEDefang, so someone else
should be affected as well.

If you want to report a *major bug*, you have to tell me what is it that
Sophie does *wrong* (or buggy), not that variable in MIMEDefang is not
set. If two different versions behave differently, please try to find out
what is it that they do differently. Do they both return the valid
"1:VIRUSNAME" string? Well, they do for me. But then, I am not MIMEDefang
user, so... :)

Pretty please, give me some more information, I simply don't have time
right now to setup MIMEDefang and investigate this by myself.


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