[Mimedefang] Red Hat 7.2

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Fri May 16 20:53:01 EDT 2003

I'm working through what's necessary to get MD installed on RH7.2 and 
thought I'd post my experiences.

First I needed to update sendmail to 8.12, and the RH7.x errata only 
provide 8.11. I pulled the latest SRPM from Rawhide (8.12.9-6), installed 
it (ie. unpacked sources and spec file), edited the %errata variable at the 
top of the spec file to be "72" (target OS to build for), and rebuilt the 
RPM. I'll be installing that later tonight.

Meanwhile, I pulled the Perl packages from the RP site (except SHA1, which 
I have a RH RPM for) and wanted to build them as RPM's. A little research 
turned up cpan2rpm, a Perl script that optionally downloads a CPAN package, 
generates a spec file, and builds the result as an RPM. I'll be using that 
to package the remaining prereqs.

Right now I'm using Spamassassin and the Procmail Sanitizer in my 
/etc/procmailrc, but I wanted something that could reject mail at the SMTP 
handshake, to block the more egregious spam and attachments and to 
integrate real virus scanning. Currently mail is delivered locally but I 
expect to have an Exchange server in my network soon (for group calendar 
and global address book) and I don't want one of those exposed to the raw 
Internet, so sendmail will act as its "condom". ;)

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