[Mimedefang] Reject 451 (Please try again later) messages

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Fri Jun 20 21:50:00 EDT 2003

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Bill Randle wrote:

> My most recent conclusion, based on some other mail log messages I
> was seeing is that the mail server box is just plain underpowered
> and can't keep up with the incoming flood of email (1000-1200/hr).

1200/hr is not that much at all.  What was your system configuration?

I'm working on 2.34-BETA-7 that has an experimental feature called
"queueing".  If all slaves are busy, we allow requests to queue (up to
a queue size limit, and only for a limited time period.)  New
connections get rejected early on, but established ones are given a
bit of extra queue time in the hopes they'll succeed.  I'd be
interested in hearing if this helps for heavily-loaded servers.

> I ended up disabling the spam filtering temporarily due to
> customer complaints of being unable to send email. (Uhg!)

You should always use a separate box (or at least a separate Sendmail
daemon that doesn't use MIMEDefang) for customer's mail submission.



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