[Mimedefang] uvscan - detecting virus name

Jeremy McCarty jeremy at nd.edu
Sun Jun 8 11:01:59 EDT 2003

The parsing of uvscan output doesn't account for definitions included via
extra.dat.  That output includes an additional '(ED)' in both 4.1.60 and
4.2.40 engines, like:

Found the W32/Bugbear.b.dam (ED) virus !!!

You might might to include a change like this in the code to account for this:

<           if ($CurrentVirusScannerMessage =~ m/^\s+Found the (\S+) virus/);
>           if ($CurrentVirusScannerMessage =~ m/^\s+Found the (\S+) (\S+ )?virus/);


Office of Information Technologies
 - Infrastructure Services
University of Notre Dame
jeremy at nd.edu

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