[Mimedefang] Recomposing quarantined virus

Ashley M. Kirchner ashley at pcraft.com
Sat Jul 5 04:38:00 EDT 2003

    On my NTBUGTRAQ list, two individuals send the eicar.com virus test 
through, complete with an actual message, explanation, dissection, yaddi 
yaddi yadda, about the virus test file.  Now, being the good little 
program that clamav is, it saw it as a virus, and promptly instructed 
MIMEdefang to quarantine it.  However, I would like to re-assemble this 
message and let it through anyway.

    Looking in the quarantine folder, I see the following parts:

-rw-------    1 defang   defang       1681 Jul  4 15:58 HEADERS
-rw-------    1 defang   defang        123 Jul  4 15:58 MSG.1
-rw-------    1 defang   defang      24476 Jul  4 15:58 PART.1.BODY
-rw-------    1 defang   defang        118 Jul  4 15:58 PART.1.HEADERS
-rw-------    1 defang   defang         20 Jul  4 15:58 RECIPIENTS
-rw-------    1 defang   defang         41 Jul  4 15:58 SENDER
-rw-------    1 defang   defang         15 Jul  4 15:58 SENDMAIL-QID

    Which isn't the normal type of quarantine pieces I deal with (you 
know, the whole 'sendmail -oi -Am -f `cat SENDER` `cat RECIPIENTS` < 
ENTIRE_MESSAGE' bit.)  How can I reassemble this type of (virus) 
quarantine, and send it through?

H| I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley at pcraft.com>   .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith             .     800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.            .     3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
  http://www.pcraft.com ..... .  .    .       Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A. 

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