[Mimedefang] graphdefang :: Heartlight Spam

John Kirkland jpk at bl.org
Sat Jan 18 11:35:01 EST 2003

Hi, Michael,

The example below filters out email with the domain westover.org.  I took
on several more domains at westover, all with an affiliation to an
organization called Heartlight.  The Heartlight volume was higher than my
westover volume, and I wanted it on one graph by itself.  So... this
filter rule displays all mail that is NOT to westover.org.  Note, the
filter is applied to whatever you specify in your grouping parameter (in
this example it is recipient).

Honestly, I don't remember where I got this regexp.  I should rewrite it a
bit simpler.


>  What exactly in the graphdefang-filter example is this filter supposed to
> catch?
>  %GraphSettings = ();
>  %GraphSettings = (
>          'data_types'    => ['spam'],
>          'graph_type'    => 'stacked_bar',
>          'grouping'      => 'recipient',
>          'top_n'         => '9',
>          'grouping_times'=> ['hourly','daily','monthly'],
>          'filter'        => '^(?:(?!westover.org).)*$',
>          'filter_name'   => 'Heartlight Traffic',
>          'title'         => 'Heartlight Spam Traffic',
>          );
>  push @GRAPHS, { %GraphSettings };

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