[Mimedefang] Stupid question? - subnet

jmiller at purifieddata.net jmiller at purifieddata.net
Mon Feb 10 18:07:01 EST 2003

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, David F. Skoll wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Jim McCullars wrote:
> >    It's a string comparison, so you may be looking at a fairly complicated
> > regex to do the test you want (I say "may be" because I don't know how to
> > decode a CIDR address string to a range of addresses).
> You might want to look at a Perl module to do CIDR comparisons; I think
> Net::CIDR::Lite might be just the ticket:
> http://search.cpan.org/author/DOUGW/Net-CIDR-Lite-0.14/Lite.pm
> Or perhaps NetAddr::IP is more to your liking:
> http://search.cpan.org/author/LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-3.14/IP.pm
> Or Net::CIDR:
> http://search.cpan.org/author/MRSAM/Net-CIDR-0.04/CIDR.pm
> What was that horrible Perl slogan again?  "TIMTOWTDI"?

Just thought I'd append some ip calculation code I wrote a long time
ago (btw, I used code out of ipcalc.pl, but I don't know where that lives
anymore). This will do the job you want and a lot more without the
need for more modules, though they'll probably do the job just as well.

An easier way would be to specify the begining and end IP's in a range you
want to match, and use the ip2dec sub below to convert all ips to decimal,
and check to see if the given IP is in that range.

Josh I.

Disclaimer: this code was heavily tested, but pulled it out of another
module I wrote, so if it doesn't work, or blows up your machine, it's not
my fault, I could have missed something, etc :-) As it is here, it hasn't
been tested.
Also, it should probably be considered under the GPL cause a few pieces
are pulled right out of some other GPL'd code (ipcalc.pl).

	if (&is_in_netblock($RelayAddr,'') {
		## do stuff if it's in there
	# this should also work:
	if (&is_in_netblock($RelayAddr,'') {
		## do stuff if it's in there
	# this should also work (notice block IP isn't a valid start of a
	# netblock, the code will figure out where the block really stats/ends
	# and see if the RelayAddr is in the real block, allowing you to be
	# a little sloppy/careless)
	if (&is_in_netblock($RelayAddr,'') {
		## do stuff if it's in there

sub is_in_netblock
	my ($ip,$block) = @_;
	my ($b_ip,$b_mask) = split(/\//,$block);
	$ip = &is_valid_dq($ip);
	$b_ip = &is_valid_dq($ip);
	if ( (! $ip) || (! $b_ip) ) { return 0; }
	return 0 unless &is_valid_netmask($b_mask);

	my $d_ip = &ip2dec($ip);
	my ($network,$broadcast) = &get_net_broad($b_ip,$b_mask);
	my $d_net = &ip2dec($network);
	my $d_broad = &ip2dec($broadcast);
	if ( ($d_ip <= $d_broad) && ($d_ip >= $d_net) )
		return 1;
	} else {
		return 0;
sub get_net_broad
	my ($host,$mask);
	if ( (defined($_[0])) && (defined($_[1])) && ($host = &is_valid_dq($_[0])) && ($mask = is_valid_netmask($_[1])) )
		my $m  = pack( "B*",("1" x $mask) . ("0" x (32 - $mask)) );
		my $h = dqtobin($host);
		my $n = $h & $m;
		my $nm = pack( "B*",("0" x $mask) . ("1" x (32 - $mask)) );
		my $b = $n | $nm;
		my $hmin  = pack("B*",("0"x31) . "1") | $n;
		my $hmax  = pack("B*",("0"x $mask) . ("1" x (31 - $mask)) . "0" ) | $n;

		my $origonaladdress = $host;
		my $network = &bintodq($n);
		my $bitmask = $mask;
		my $fullnetmask = &bintodq($m);
		my $minhost = &bintodq($hmin);
		my $maxhost = &bintodq($hmax);
		my $broadcast   = &bintodq($b);
		my $numberOhosts = (2 ** (32 - $mask)) -2  ;
		my $numberOips = (2 ** (32 - $mask));
#		my @returnvals = ($origonaladdress,$network,$bitmask,$fullnetmask,$minhost,$maxhost,$broadcast,$numberOhosts,$numberOips);
		return ($network,$broadcast);
	} else {
		return 0;
sub is_valid_netmask {
	my $mask = $_[0];
	if ($mask =~ /^\d+$/) {
		if ( ($mask > 32) || ($mask < 1) ) {
			return 0;
	} else {
		if (! ($mask = &is_valid_dq($mask)) ) {
			return 0;
		$mask = dqtocidr($mask);
	return $mask;
sub dqtocidr
	my $dq = shift;
	$b = &dqtobin($dq);
	my $cidr = 1;
	while (unpack("B$cidr",$b) !~ /0/) {
		last if ($cidr == 33);
	return $cidr;
sub dqtobin {
	my @dq;
	my $q;
	my $i;
	my $bin;

	foreach $q (split /\./,$_[0]) {
		push @dq,$q;
	for ($i = 0; $i < 4 ; $i++) {
		if (! defined $dq[$i]) {
			push @dq,0;
	$bin    = pack("CCCC", at dq);      # 4 unsigned chars
	return $bin;
sub ip2dec
sub bin2dec
	return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));
sub ip2bin
	my $ipaddr;
	if ($ipaddr = &is_valid_dq(shift)) {
		my @ip = split('\.',$ipaddr);
		foreach(@ip) {
			my $bin = &dec2bin($_);
			$bin = substr($bin,-8); # takes just last 8 chars
			$_ = $bin;
		my $bin_ip = join('', at ip);
		return $bin_ip;
	} else {
		return 0;

sub is_valid_dq {
	my $value = $_[0];
	my $test = $value;
	my $i;
	my $corrected;
	$test =~ s/\.//g;
	if ($test !~ /^\d+$/) {
		return 0;
	my @value = split /\./, $value, 4;
	for ($i = 0; $i<4; $i++) {
		if (! defined ($value[$i]) ) {
			$value[$i] = 0;
		if ( ($value[$i] !~ /^\d+$/) ||
			 ($value[$i] < 0) ||
			 ($value[$i] > 255) )
			return 0;
	$corrected = join ".", @value;
	return $corrected;

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